Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Policy
Date Created: September 2020
Last Reviewed: December 2024
Next Review: December 2025
1. Introduction
This policy outlines the commitment of London School of Business & Education Ltd (LSBE), a company registered in England & Wales (Company Number: 12838732), to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). LSBE is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity, respects individual dignity, and ensures equal opportunities for all staff, students, and stakeholders.
2. Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedure
LSBE is committed to:
Providing a working, learning, and social environment free from harassment, victimization, discrimination, and bullying.
Assessing individuals solely on merit and ability, without bias based on age, gender, marital status, color, disability, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.
2.1 What We Ask of You
Understand and comply with this policy.
Avoid behavior or language that could cause misunderstanding or offense.
Report incidents of discrimination, bullying, or harassment immediately to Head Office.
Support efforts to stand against harassment and uphold a culture of respect.
2.2 Our Commitments
LSBE promises to:
Base decisions on merit and ability in all aspects of study, recruitment, and employment.
Use inclusive marketing strategies to attract diverse applicants.
Ensure unbiased training, assessments, and performance reviews.
Provide flexible arrangements to accommodate employee and student needs.
Investigate harassment incidents thoroughly and take appropriate action.
Regularly review and update this policy to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment.
2.3 Reasonable Adjustments
LSBE will provide reasonable adjustments to ensure equal access to education and training. Adjustments depend on:
Evidence provided by the individual.
The policies of the relevant awarding organization.
Timing, resource availability, and external permissions where applicable.
Examples of Adjustments:
Large-font or high-contrast materials.
Course materials in both visual and audio formats.
3. Disability Policy
3.1 Policy Statement
LSBE recognizes its responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 to provide equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This includes:
Eliminating unlawful discrimination and disability-related harassment.
Promoting positive attitudes toward individuals with disabilities.
Encouraging participation and providing reasonable adjustments to support success.
3.2 Definition of Disability
Under the Equality Act 2010, a person is considered disabled if they have:
A physical or mental impairment that has a substantial, long-term effect on their ability to perform daily activities.
3.3 Principles
LSBE is committed to making reasonable adjustments for staff and students to create a fair and inclusive environment.
Adjustments may include assistive technologies, flexible working arrangements, or tailored accommodations in the learning process.
4. Types of Discrimination
Discrimination may include:
Direct Discrimination: Less favorable treatment because of a disability.
Indirect Discrimination: Policies that unintentionally disadvantage individuals with disabilities.
Discrimination by Association: Treatment based on association with someone who has a disability.
Discrimination by Perception: Treating someone unfairly based on assumptions about a disability.
Harassment: Creating a hostile environment through inappropriate behavior or refusal to work with individuals with disabilities.
Victimization: Retaliation against someone who has raised a complaint or grievance under the Equality Act.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
For Staff and Managers:
Ensure that recruitment, training, and performance evaluations are free from bias.
Take proactive steps to prevent harassment or victimization.
Encourage individuals to disclose disabilities, ensuring appropriate support and adjustments are provided.
For LSBE as an Organization:
Promote equality through clear policies and transparent practices.
Monitor policies regularly to ensure compliance with current legislation.
For All Individuals:
Challenge discriminatory behavior.
Support a culture of inclusion and respect.
6. Confidentiality
LSBE is committed to protecting the confidentiality of personal and medical information. Disclosure of a disability will only occur:
With the explicit consent of the individual.
To facilitate reasonable adjustments or accommodations.
When required by law.
7. Monitoring and Evaluation
LSBE monitors its policies and practices to ensure full compliance with the Equality Act 2010. Regular reviews ensure these policies remain effective, up-to-date, and aligned with legislative requirements.
This policy, along with related materials, is available to staff and students on Moodle.
For questions or further information, contact:
For further details or to submit an appeal/complaint, contact:
London School of Business & Education Ltd
Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom
Email: admin@londonsbe.com
End of Policy